BSA Strategic Plan 2021

The Botanical Society of America embarked on the process of creating a new 5 year strategic plan in 2020, and the strategic plan was finalized and approved at the 2021 BSA Members' Business Meeting on July 22, 2021. The strategic plan is a culmination of a very intentional multi-step process with the priorities of inclusion, transparency, and BSA community involvement. The BSA officers, committees, and staff will take the goals, priorities, and strategies laid out in the plan and move forward in the next five years to implement changes that will make the BSA community stronger, more connected, and ready for global changes and the future of plant science.  

New Botanical Society of America Mission:

To inspire and promote an inclusive global community committed to advancing fundamental knowledge and innovation in the botanical sciences for the benefit of people and the environment.

Strategic Priorities and Goals

  1. Human Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Goals 1-4)

    1. The BSA will be an antiracist and anti-discriminatory society.
    2. The BSA will be a scientific society whose membership reflects the diversity of society as a whole.
    3. The BSA will be a leader in developing initiatives to recruit and support diversity and in advocating for institutions (academic, government, etc.) to recognize and reward the diversity enhancing activities of their members.
    4. The BSA will actively evaluate its progress in recruiting and retaining members from underrepresented groups, and in understanding inequities in access and opportunity among its members.
  2. Research and Scholarly Excellence (Goals 5-9)

    1. The impacts of BSA publications (American Journal of Botany, Applications in Plant Sciences, Plant Science Bulletin) will increase, as evidenced by various metrics.
    2. The recognition of botany as an essential biological and environmental discipline will increase within the global scientific community.
    3. The increased prominence of the BSA as a global leader in research, teaching, and advocacy related to the botanical sciences will be reflected in at least a 5% membership increase over three years.
    4. The BSA will provide its members with increased support for scholarly excellence and research.
    5. The annual BOTANY conference will be the premier venue to showcase and disseminate the latest research in botany.
  3. Organizational Impact and Visibility (Goals 10-12)

    1. The appreciation of plants and the field of botany will increase in society.
    2. The BSA will be a major contributor in efforts to educate the public about science and to shape regional, national and international policy regarding science and conservation; the BSA will be seen as a premier source of unbiased botanical information.
    3. The BSA will be recognized as the leader in education for the botanical sciences.
  4. Professional Development (Goals 13-15)

    1. All members of the BSA will share a strong sense of belonging to the society.
    2. Membership in the BSA by people outside of academia will increase by at least 10% over five years.
    3. The Board, committee chairs, and staff will be well prepared to lead the organization with foresight and fiduciary responsibility.

To see the full Strategic Plan, including the strategies for each goal, click here (PDF).